Polyhedral Updates

1 June 24
Added 'Flying Further into the "K5-Galaxy"above right
9 May 24
Implemented Scott Vorthman's javascript allowing the X_ITE component to display VRML files.
General site tidy-up started.   Visitor counter reset.
7 Feb 23
Added a number of new acrohedra including the 763  above left
16 Oct 20
Added isomers to the n443 acrohedra
17 Sep 20 Added a new minimal 5443 acrohedron
24 Dec 14
Added four more Convex Rhombic Polyhedra with Icosahedral Symmetry.
24 Apr 13
Added the 11/5 'great square barrel'
16 Sep 11 Updated and moved the associahedron.  Added labelled model.
29 Apr 10 Added a new Johnson Solid near miss
12 Mar 10 Added a new Johnson Solid near miss 
9 Mar 10 Added a new Johnson Solid near miss 
8 Mar 10 Added a new Johnson Solid near miss 
6 Mar 10 Added a new Johnson Solid near miss
24 Jan 10 Added a new Johnson Solid near miss
3 Jan 10 Added two new Johnson Solid near misses  
26 Nov 09 Added two new Johnson Solid near misses
5 Aug 09 Added Tetrahedrally Expanded Tetrated Dodecahedron near miss  
16 Apr 09 Modified Bi-Rhombic Polyhedra with Icosahedral Symmetry
3 Feb 09 Added further examples to Bi-Rhombic Polyhedra with Icosahedral Symmetry
31 Jan 09 Added Bi-Rhombic Polyhedra with Icosahedral Symmetry  
19 Dec 08 Added Great Rhombic Enneacontahedron page
14 Dec 08 Added Baer Cell data to The Rhombic Enneacontahedron and partial zonohedrifications of the Dodecahedron
4 May 08 Added the Edshammar polyhedron to my Miscellaneous page
17 Mar 08 Added 60¶12 to isohedral rhombohedra page 
11 Feb 08 Updated Isohedral Deltahedra page
28 Jan 08 Moved the site to www.orchidpalms.com/polyhedra
26 Jan 08 Updated Snub Anti-Prism and Isomorphs to the Icosahedron pages
20 Dec 07 HEDRON updated. Version 1.12.0 
28 Oct 07 Added The Rhombic Enneacontahedron and partial zonohedrifications of the Dodecahedron   
17 Oct 07 Added Convex Rhombic Polyhedra with Icosahedral Symmetry
8 Oct 07 Added Phi in the Icosahedron and Dodecahedron
24 Sep 07 Added Petrie expanded polyhedra  
20 Sep 07 Added 7/2-6-4 acrohedra  
15 Sep 07 Added Self Augmented Heptagonal Semicupola page
Added Self Augmented Heptagonal Antiprism to Miscellaneous page.
27 Aug 07 Added Variations on a Rhombic Theme  
15 Jan 07 Added Dissecting the Expanded Rhombic Dodecahedron  
06 Jan 07 Added Molybi Augmented Polyhedra  
Rearranged main page
03 Jan 07 Added Dissecting the Rhombic Triacontahedron  
26 Dec 06 HEDRON updated. Version 1.11.5 
Added Convex Polyhedra containing Rhombi as found in the Rhombic Dodecahedron 
Added Convex Polyhedra containing Golden Rhombi  
01 Jun 06 HEDRON updated. Version 1.11.1
18 Apr 06 Added cingulated anti-prisms 
Added 7-3-4-3 acrohedron  
Re-worked Near Miss pages, including many new models 
11 Apr 06 Updated description of Roger Kaufman's Hedron Tools to Release 2.
29 Mar 06 Modified Isohedral Deltahedra and Isohedral Rhombihedra pages
Added Change Detection
31 Jan 06 Isohedral Deltahedra added
24 Jan 06 HEDRON updated. Version 1.10.5
Added link to Roger Kaufman's Hedron Tools.
20 Oct 05 Added 7-6-4 acrohedron 
11 Oct 05 HEDRON updated. Version 1.10.0
Deltahedra and Rhombohedra
page added, with Isohedral Rhombihedra,
Rhombified Stellations of Snub Uniform Polyhedra and Rhombically Expanded Deltahedra  
Expanded G3 added to Stewart G3 page.
Acrohedra updates: n-n-3 acrons, Mason Green's 7-7-3 and his 12-6-3 near miss and Janella Large and Mick Ayrton's 5-3-3-3-3.
05 Oct 05 Near miss statistics improved on miscellaneous and acrohedra near miss pages.  Explanation added.
14 Sep 05 Elementary Honeycombs added
12 Sep 05 HEDRON updated. Version 1.9.0
Added 57b to locally convex octahedral and icosahedral polyhedra  
04 Jun 05 HEDRON updated. Version 1.8.0
Added 'Stress Maps' to site.
Added Alex Doskey's 6-5-3-3 acrohedra.
Added more 9-4-3 acrohedra.
09 Mar 05 Added 27b to locally convex octahedral and icosahedral polyhedra  
10 Dec 04 Terminology change to semicupolas and sesquicupolas
15 Jul 04 Added some additional 5-5-4 acrohedra near misses.  
06 Jul 04 HEDRON updated. Version 1.7.0
Added Mick Ayrton's near misses to Near-Miss page. 
18 May 04 Added table of all Convex Segmentochora
20 Apr 04 Added 'wedges' and tetrated dodecahedron to Near-Miss page. 
21 Sep 03 'Molecular' files added for all Uniform Polyhedra  
HEDRON updated. Version 1.6.0
10 Jun 03 HEDRON updated. Version 1.5.0
20 May 03 Added non-uniform Twister and Stewart J91/Z4
13 May 03 Remainder of site upgraded to HEDRON 'switch' files
HEDRON updated. Version 1.4.6
30 Apr 03 Added [3,5] page to Dr Richard Klitzing's Convex Segmentochora
28 Apr 03 Added Polyhedral Twisters
Uniform Polyhedra, Johnson Solids and Cupolas upgraded to HEDRON 'switch' files
15 Apr 03 Added Dr Richard Klitzing's Convex Segmentochora  
HEDRON updated. Version 1.4.0
1 Apr 03 HEDRON updated. Version 1.3.0
6 Mar 03 HEDRON updated. Version 1.0.0
26 Jan 03 Set of VRML files completed for locally convex octahedral and icosahedral polyhedra
Hedron updated to version 4.01
22 Jan 03 Hedron updated to version 4
Animated rhombicuboctahedron VRMLs added
14 Jan 03 Hedron updated to version 3.9
10 Jan 03 Added Canonical Toroids  
7 Jan 03 Added Toroids formed from augmented duals of uniform polyhedra  
Added title graphics
9 Dec 02 Added Isomorphs to Great Snub Icosidisdodecahedron
Hedron updated to version 3.87
7 Dec 02 Hedron updated to version 3.85
3 Dec 02 Added more polyhedra to locally convex octahedral and icosahedral polyhedra  
Revised augmented polyhedron gallery, added vertex diagrams
25 Nov 02 Added new 9 faced Klitzing 5-4-3 and 28 faced Klitzing 10-6-3 to acrohedra  
Added more polyhedra to locally convex octahedral and icosahedral polyhedra   
6 Nov 02 Added more polyhedra to locally convex octahedral and icosahedral polyhedra   
29 Oct 02 Rewrote and expanded page on locally convex octahedral and icosahedral polyhedra
Hedron updated to version 3.83
14 Oct 02 Added page on Skilling's figure
09 Oct 02 Added Type 14 tessellation and references to Coxeter.
Cleaned up some bad links. 
04 Oct 02 Added cupola augmented uniform polyhedra and augmented great retrosnub icosidodecahedron 
Hedron updated to version 3.82
24 Jul 02 Added quasi-gyro-disphenocingulum.
17 Jul 02 Added 12 faced Klitzing ike-6-6-a to Toroids page. 
11 Jul 02 Added Hyperbolic Star Tessellations page.
Added new 17 faced Klitzing 6-5-4 to acrohedra.
17 Jun 02 Revised faceting descriptions on Tessellations Page
4 Jun 02 Added Tessellations Page
Added Klitzing 6-5-4 to acrohedra.
15 May 02 Added hit-counter
9/05/02 Added TOCID page to Uniform polyhedra.
7 May 02 Enhanced and corrected table of Uniform polyhedra.  Added prisms page.  Changed GRID page to refer to QRID.
Added second page on locally convex octahedral and icosahedral polyhedra.
Added acrohedra near miss page.
General site tidy up.  Removed text only index.
23 Apr 02 Added page on locally convex octahedral and icosahedral polyhedra
Hedron updated to version 3.81, help text expanded.
13 Feb 02 Gave the Stewart G3 its own page.
29 Jan 02 Added acrohedra
19 Jan 02 Added G3, a '5-5-4' near miss and a ring of square anti-prisms to 'misc' page.
5 Jan 02 Added isomorphs to the rhombicuboctahedron page
4 Jan 02 Added hendecagonal polyhedron to 'misc' page
3 Dec 01 Tidied up some images, removed remaining JPG files
20 Oct 01 Added 8S3 to Stewart Toroids
30 Sep 01 Added Edge Expanded Bi-Antiprisms pages.
Added Isomorphs to the icosahedron Page
1 May 01 General site tidy up.  Images now on white background.  Added images to cuploids page.
30 Oct 00 Small Retrosnub Icosidodecahedron (no 77) added to complete self generated set of uniform polyhedra.  
Cleaned up some bad links.
8 Sep 00 Edge Expanded Biprism (EEB) pages added
"Hedron" page added
15 May 00 "T5-Country" (toroid) page extended
6 May 00 Toroid pages extended to cover Szilassi and Czászár Polyhedra and more Stewart Toroids. 
13 Mar 00 Added chiral prisms
Added links page and this update page
1 Mar 00 Added isomers to the Johnson Solids

  Jim McNeill