Isomorphs of the Great Snub Icosidisdodecahedron

The gisdid (or great snub icosidisdodecahedron) has a unique property for a uniform polyhedron: it exists in two different isomorphs. These are normally not distingishable but if we divide the 24 pentagrammic faces into 2 sets of twelve such that one member of each set visits each vertex the isomorphs become apparent.

The gisdid (or great snub icosidisdodecahedron) has a unique property for a uniform polyhedron: it exists in two different isomorphs. These are normally not distingishable but if we divide the 24 pentagrammic faces into 2 sets of twelve such that one member of each set visits each vertex the isomorphs become apparent.

Gisdid-A (left)
Gisdid-B (right)

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