Skilling's Figure

The list of uniform polyhedra was first published by H.S.M.Coxeter, M.S.Longuet-Higgins and J.C.P.Miller in "Uniform Polyhedra", published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A Volume 246 pp 401-450 (1954).  The list was shown to be complete by Skilling.J in "The Complete Set of Uniform Polyhedra", published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A Volume 278 pp 111-135 (1975)..  By relaxing one of the conditions for a valid polyhedron, namely the condition that only two faces may meet at an edge, Skilling was able to produce one further figure, his great disnub dirhombidodecahedron. Wythoff Symbol: | (3/2) 5/3 (3) 5/2.  This figure has twelve polygons at each vertex, however there are only eight edges as a number of edges are 'double', connecting four faces at once.  A single vertex with the double edges highlighted is linked here.  These double edges make the figure partially degenerate and it is not always classified as a true polyhedron.

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